Techniques in Oil and Cold Wax: Translating the Essence of Place and Internal Space through Luminous Layers
October 2024
19 & 20
Timing 11am – 4pm
Marin MOCA: 500 Palm Drive Novato
Level: Intermediate to advanced painters or anyone who wants to learn this medium.
December 2024
7 & 8
Timing 11am - 4pm
Marin MOCA: 500 Palm Drive Novato
Level: Intermediate to advanced painters or anyone who wants to learn and explore this medium
About COLD Wax
This cold wax medium has become very popular because of it’s ability to extend and add body to oil paint, it’s ability to speed up drying time, increase transparency and workability. It also doesn’t require any special set up or ventilation, and allows you to build up very exciting textural effects and layers. This course is for beginners through intermediate students (though advanced students are welcome too). I am used to running multi-level workshops that serve everyone’s needs and goals.
Specifically this workshop will cover:
- CWM/Oil how to’s: proportions, solvents, mediums, surfaces - to use
- Tools and how to use them effectively: Brayers, silicone tools,
brushes, palette knives - Techniques covered:
Foundational layers for optimal results
Techniques and decision making through the rest of your layers:
Texture imprints
Using RF pigment sticks
Dry pigment and how to use it safely
Adding collage
Dry mark making and mark making in general
Glazing and veils of color
Composition guidelines to help you when you get stuck
Color theory and color mixing to take some of the guess work out of what to choose next
What you’ll come away with:
• Confidence in how to best work with the medium
• An understanding of the process of working in CWM/Oil from start to finish • A stronger understanding of composition and color
• An ability to avoid common pitfalls like muddy color, overly opaque surfaces • How to reference a photo and how to work with no source image
Supply Lists
Supplies provided: RF Pigment Sticks, surfaces, cold wax medium, texture making tools
Andrea’s Workshop Philosophy
Even though working intuitively is a blast, it comes with it’s challenges. My aim is to help you keep your intuition alive and well, while also giving you the tools and technique to be able to step back from what you’re creating and make informed decisions.
Beyond the pure technical aspects of CWM/oil, having a few composition tools up your sleeve will give you the ability to answer the questions I hear so often from students: Where do I go from here? Something is off with this painting, but what is it? Is this painting finished? What color should I choose for the next layer?

Maureen, United States
“Andrea's warm and supportive coaching was the highlight of my experience in the recent series of classes. Her ability to help you identify and develop your vision of your work and advance to the next step of the journey is invaluable. I am a beginner and also learned soooo much from the critiques of the other members works. The experience was well worth the commitment."