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Individual Mentorship and Art Coaching Sessions for Aspiring and Emerging Artists

Schedule a 1-on-1 artist coaching or mentorship session with Andrea Wedell, an internationally recognized fine artist and seasoned certified professional coach.


Andrea offers coaching and mentorship for artists in a private, supportive virtual setting. Focus areas include individual painting critiques on a work or a body of work you are preparing to sell or show, technical advice to master your painting, coaching in finding the pathways to express you unique voice, consulting on becoming a professional artist,  exhibiting your art strategically, selling your art, online, entering juried shows, approaching galleries and curators professionally with a body of work.


Get immediate help with your art practice and take it to the next level of excellence.

"I graduated with a Fine Arts Degree.  Andrea's mentorship taught me more in four sessions than I learned from my four years in college.  My individual sessions dove into harmonious color theory, balanced composition, paint attributes, creative design tools, and advice on presenting my work in a way that got me into the shows I wanted to be a part of ."

D'Anne Gastorf Weber

Book Andrea for individual art mentorship and coaching

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Individual mentorship and art coaching is right for you if you'd love


  • Technical help to take get your painting to where you want it to be. 

  • Guidance and tips on creating a body of work that will attract galleries and curators

  • Inspiration and and help with artistic technical challenges so you can find and express your unique artistic voice

  • Help strategically identifying juried shows to apply to

  • Assistance writing a compelling artist statement with just the right amount of art speak

  • Strategies to weed out the time wasters so your precious time is focused on the right things so you advance in the right direction

  • Consulting on selling your work online

  • Guidance to shut out all the noise including your own, so you can be in the right space to create your best work

  • Suggestions on approaching galleries and curators

  • Marketing advice across the board: website, newsletters, social media, promotions

  • Someone to be as invested in you as an artist as you are in yourself

  • A space to recover and learn from rejection and the inevitable ups and downs of putting yourself out there as an artist

  • An expert artist coach to help you thrive as a sensitive creative in the studio and to become a badass entrepreneur when the moment calls for it.

How to book 1:1 art coaching and mentorship

Choose a one hour session, a half hour session, or a ten session package

Submit images of your work for feedback and/or the professional goals you most need help with 

Find a convenient day and time through my online calendar

Be prepared with your questions and goals when we meet over Zoom. Sessions are recorded for you.

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