Individual Mentorship and Art Coaching Sessions for Aspiring and Emerging Artists
Schedule a 1-on-1 artist coaching or mentorship session with Andrea Wedell, an internationally recognized fine artist and seasoned certified professional coach.
Andrea offers coaching and mentorship for artists in a private, supportive virtual setting. Focus areas include individual painting critiques on a work or a body of work you are preparing to sell or show, technical advice to master your painting, coaching in finding the pathways to express you unique voice, consulting on becoming a professional artist, exhibiting your art strategically, selling your art, online, entering juried shows, approaching galleries and curators professionally with a body of work.
Get immediate help with your art practice and take it to the next level of excellence.
Book Andrea for individual art mentorship and coaching
30 min
60 US dollars1 hr
120 US dollars1 hr
1,500 US dollars1 hr
120 US dollars
Individual mentorship and art coaching is right for you if you'd love
Technical help to take get your painting to where you want it to be.
Guidance and tips on creating a body of work that will attract galleries and curators
Inspiration and and help with artistic technical challenges so you can find and express your unique artistic voice
Help strategically identifying juried shows to apply to
Assistance writing a compelling artist statement with just the right amount of art speak
Strategies to weed out the time wasters so your precious time is focused on the right things so you advance in the right direction
Consulting on selling your work online
Guidance to shut out all the noise including your own, so you can be in the right space to create your best work
Suggestions on approaching galleries and curators
Marketing advice across the board: website, newsletters, social media, promotions
Someone to be as invested in you as an artist as you are in yourself
A space to recover and learn from rejection and the inevitable ups and downs of putting yourself out there as an artist
An expert artist coach to help you thrive as a sensitive creative in the studio and to become a badass entrepreneur when the moment calls for it.